deep brain stimulation

OCD Treatment with DBS Surgery Prof Shahzad Shams

OCD or Obsessive compulsive disorder is one of the most devastating brain disorder which can cripple the life of a person suffering from OCD. Prof Shahzad Shams is the only neurosurgeon in Pakistan to offer DBS surgery for intractable OCD Obsessive compulsive disease which is not responsive to medical therapy. DBS stands for Deep Brain Stimulation…

Coma Treatment

Coma Treatment with DBS Surgery Prof Shahzad Shams

Best Neurosurgeon for Coma with DBS Surgery Patients developing Coma after Head Injury or Hypoxemic brain injury have responded brilliantly to DBS Deep Brain Stimulation surgery in which external current is given to the brain through the external battery which brings these patients back into this world. DBS Deep Brain Stimulation provides the external current…

Parkinson's Disease Treatment

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment with DBS Surgery Prof Shahzad Shams

Parkinson’s Disease Treatment with DBS Surgery Prof Shahzad Shams Prof. Shahzad Shams worked as Head and Professor of Neurosurgery Department at Lahore General Hospital, LGH, Lahore, Pakistan and presently works as Chairman Department of Neurosurgery King Edward Medical University and Mayo Hospital, Lahore, Pakistan. Prof Shahzad Shams excels in all kinds of treatments required for…

Deep Brain Stimulation

DBS Deep Brain Stimulation Surgery Pakistan

Functional Neurosurgery Functional Neurosurgery consists of procedures in which external stimulus is given to an organ of the body to improve its function which can be  like External battery to give current to improve function of Brain, Spine, Urinary Bladder and Vagus Nerve. DBS or Deep Brain Stimulation is done to improve Movement Disorders like…